
CA Exam | Certified Copies under RTI | FAQs


CA Exam | Certified Copies under RTI | FAQs






The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has now implemented the Supreme Court's landmark judgment in the case of ICSI Vs. Paras Jain, Civil Appeal No. 5665/2014, relating to providing copies of Answer-Scripts under RTI.


1. Whether ICAI provides certified copies under RTI?

Yes! Relevant post from ICAI :

2. How many days will it take to get certified copies under RTI?

As per RTI act, information to an applicant shall be supplied within 30 days from the receipt of the application by the public authority.

If you don't receive copies within 30 days, you may prefer to file a First Appeal with the ICAI.

3. Can we seek certified copies of another student under RTI?

No, we cannot make an application for answer sheets other students, as Sec 8(1)(j) of RTI Act exempts the disclosure of personal information of an individual which has no relationship to any public interest or activity.

4. What should I write under 'Text for RTI request application'?

There is no prescribed format as such. You can refer suggested text for application here:

5. Whether we are required to upload handwritten application like in case of ICAI process?

No. ICAI process and RTI process both are different platforms.

6. What documents are to be uploaded under supporting document?

To prove the identity, upload Admit card/ hall ticket/ any other supporting document like student card, exam form etc.

And upload your Food security card or Ration card, if you are falling under Below Poverty Line Category as proof of BPL status, to claim exemption from application fee of Rs. 10.

7. Whether we should send print-out of the RTI application physically to the institute?

No, there is no such requirement to send the application form physically. Once you have filed the application at the RTI portal, the same will reflect under CPIO’s dashboard and he will take further action to provide certified copies.

8. What to do if it shows Forbidden, Payment failed error?

i. Check whether there are any restricted characters like : ” ‘ } ] in text for RTI application filed.

ii. If you Copy-paste text from suggested text above, make sure it's correctly done. Consider re-typing it within the portal.

iii. Log in again and check if any RTI application was registered. If yes, it's fine. If No, file an RTI application again.

9. Can we get certified copies of the previous attempt?

As per the RTI act, 2005 information can be sought as far as it is available with the public authority.

As per ICAI regulations 39(4) answer books are retained for a period of four months (120) days from the date of declaration of result.

10. Whether Institute will do suo-moto verification of marks for certified copies sought under RTI and student can report discrepancies, if any?

Yes, ICAI carries out suo-motu verification of marks in the interest of the students even when an application is made under RTI for a copy of the answer sheet, as decided by the Examination Committee in its 576th meeting held on 17th July 2019 at ICAI Bhavan, New Delhi.

Also, a chance is given to the student to report the discrepancy noticed falling under the regulation 39(4) within 30 days from the date of receipt/hosting of copies of answer books.

Application format:

Please note that with on-screen evaluation, scope of committing errors in carry forwarding/ totalling of marks is mostly eliminated. Further, as per RTI response by ICAI and Report of the High level committee on Examination Processes and Regulations, as a matter of policy, ICAI doesn't reduce marks already awarded, in the verification process.

11. Whether we will receive certified copies on mail or post?

You will get certified copies with a downloadable link and login credentials on the email provided at the time of filing RTI application from ICAI, free of cost.

12. Where we can check the status of our application?

You can check the status of your application on the RTI portal through below link:

13. ICAI portal mentions Rs. 500 per paper for inspection/certified copy and you are mentioning free of cost?

ICAI procedure and RTI process both are different platforms. The existence of these two avenues is not mutually exclusive and it is up to the candidate to choose either of the routes.

ICAI charges Rs.500 per paper for Inspection/certified copy as per ICAI guidelines for the application made at ICAI portal.

Under RTI, it provides certified copies free of cost, digitally after an application is made under RTI Act, 2005. (Application fee - Rs. 10)

14. Whether ICAI will take any action if we apply under RTI?

Providing certified copies under the RTI act, 2005 is as per the law laid down by the supreme court and recognized and followed up by ICAI.

15. Whether we should apply at ICAI portal or make an application under RTI?

Whether to apply via ICAI portal or make an application under RTI, is your own choice. In cases of verification, ICAI sometimes may provide timely update because answer copies are not provided under it.

This blog was an attempt to answer frequently asked questions under RTI process. ICAI laid procedure can be accessed at

If you have any further queries, feel free to reach the author at below-mentioned details:

B Vinay Reddy

B Vinay Reddy

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